Can You Ruin God’s Purpose for Your Life?
Justin Gingrich Justin Gingrich

Can You Ruin God’s Purpose for Your Life?

The story of Joseph is unique among the matriarchs and patriarchs of Genesis because, like you and me, Joseph never hears directly from God. Unlike his fathers before him, he must learn to overcome the challenges of his life without a promise from God that everything will work out ok or even that God is with him.

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God’s Love Has No Final Straw
Justin Gingrich Justin Gingrich

God’s Love Has No Final Straw

May I be more vulnerable with you than I probably ever have been before publicly? My OCD manifests itself in a particularly humiliating and isolating way for me, I have intrusive thoughts that I might abuse or harm someone. But as I explored the embrace the Compassionate Father offers to both of His children this week, my heart found freedom when I realized the father absorbs the shame of both of his children without so much as a single recriminalizing accusation. I had always imagined that if I publicly embarrassed my Father it would be the final straw. But the Compassionate Father has no final straw. You can shame Him three times over, and still, all He truly longs for is your return.

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