We believe in one God, Father, Almighty who has existed eternally, and is the source and sustainer of all things. He is perfectly good, and everlastingly loving as He provides for us and for all of creation at every moment.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ who is Light from Light and true God from true God. He has been fathered by the Father, not created, and is of one essence with the Father. He was made flesh by the Holy Spirit. He lived a perfect life before laying down His life on the cross. Upon His physical resurrection, death and sin were overcome by Him who was both fully God and fully man. The incorruptibility of God drove out the corruptness of our humanity in the risen body of our Savior. In short, Jesus united with our fallen humanity so that we could unite with Him in His divinity. Our hope, and our glory, now lies in His promise to return, to conquer death in its entirety as judge over all, so that we can live out our lives in His eternal glorious presence.

We believe the Holy Spirt, the Lord and Giver of Life proceeds forth from the Father and from the Son and dwells within our hearts. His Spirit provides us with a new life that we can live now as we eagerly await our resurrection in the Son. These three, Father, Son, and Spirit have always existed in the same essence, and are to be worshiped and glorified as one God.

We believe that humanity is inherently sinful and fallen. Though created in perfect harmony with God and with each other, humanity became irreversibly corrupted, apart from the saving grace of Jesus, when they chose power over love when they listened to the created snake instead of the Creator God. Now all of humanity has followed the same path of corruption and spiritual death and is incapable on its own of rectifying its course and returning to its original, true form of humanity.

We believe that despite humanity’s heartless rebellion towards its loving Creator, God in His perfect love, loved us while we were still His enemy. In the greatest act of love and mercy in all of history, God provided a way of salvation through His Begotten Son. This gift, offered freely to all, is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. Those who persist in pursuing salvation apart from this gift, will experience eternal anguish and disharmony with themselves, others and God.

Lastly, we believe the Holy Spirit spoke to us through the prophets and the various authors of the sixty-six books of the Bible. We work diligently to understand the Scriptures, under the guidance of His Holy Spirit, in their grammatical, historical and cultural contexts. We gather, under the provision of His Spirit, each week to study the Scriptures as part of the universal, apostolic church. We baptize those who confess this faith as it stands written here, and partake of communion together in celebration of Christ’s redeeming work. We await the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the age to come.


Restore Houston is a spiritual family that is deeply committed to the truths of Christianity that keep the hope of Jesus alive for us and for our world. We believe our faith draws from a rich history of understanding that has been passed down to us for the last 2000 years. From the Scriptures, to the first apostles and their disciples, to the early church fathers and mothers, to the universal church councils, to the reformers, to Christians who are alive in Jesus today, the essentials of our faith have been passed down diligently, thoughtfully and faithfully to us.

Using the universal church councils as our guide (such as Nicaea in 325 AD, Constantinople in 381 AD, Ephesus in 431 AD, and Chalcedon in 451 AD), we strive to hold the essentials of our faith in unity. We stand only to retell the faith that has been preserved for us through them.

Below are the convictions that we believe have kept the hope of glory alive for Christians in every age. Therefore we cling to them with deep conviction, and with humility allow for freedom of conviction, as guided by His Holy Spirit, on all other approaches related to ecclesiology and theology.


We’re convinced God is love, and we’re convinced Jesus is the embodiment of that love. He’s warm and affectionate and filled with joy. He is our true home. He’s left His home, stepping into this world of ours that He made, in order that He might eventually and permanently make His home with us. Heaven come to earth, healing in the flesh, glory in the everyday, God with us, relationship forever. Love! Yes, please.

So we’re building this church and our lives around knowing God and knowing each other—we’re building our church and our lives around connection. We worship together on Sundays with this goal in mind. We gather in homes throughout the week, wrestling with real issues, real conflicts, real doubts, real losses, real joys, real life, and in doing so we meet God and love each other. We serve our neighborhoods. We encourage and love our neighbors. And we do this week after week, over and over, believing we’re being formed by this grace, our sharing, our exploration, our faith.

We’ve only recently launched our new church and already God has been remarkably kind to us. We love each other. We love God more and more. And we repeatedly see glimpses of restoration.